
*特徴 [#o4cb7fd4]

**能力・クラス [#q67ad1b8]


***育て方・ビルド [#c7f92254]
*加入条件 [#u4ae05fb]
*離脱条件 [#k6f45ffd]

***ラストバトル前に復帰させる方法 [#yf23dbac]


---主人公(固定) ヴァリック(固定) アンダース ベサニー となる。
*好感度・恋愛 [#n1d19563]
**会話 [#p59f7ad5]

***1章・ベサニー友好度高 [#h7d196a9]
話を聞く 「元気がないな」派生「どうしてサークルを避ける?」~

--友好→友好→友好:友好度+10 友好→友好→機転:友好度+10 友好→友好→攻撃:変化なし~
友好→機転→友好:変化なし   友好→機転→機転:変化なし  友好→機転→攻撃:敵対度+10~
友好→攻撃→友好:変化なし   友好→攻撃→機転:変化なし  友好→攻撃→攻撃:敵対度+10~

--機転→友好→友好:友好度+10 機転→友好→機転:友好度+10 機転→友好→攻撃:変化なし~
機転→機転→友好:変化なし   機転→機転→機転:変化なし  機転→機転→攻撃:敵対度+10~
機転→攻撃→友好:変化なし   機転→攻撃→機転:変化なし  機転→攻撃→攻撃:敵対度+10~

--攻撃→友好→友好:友好度+10 攻撃→友好→機転:友好度+10 攻撃→友好→攻撃:変化なし~
攻撃→機転→友好:変化なし   攻撃→機転→機転:変化なし  攻撃→機転→攻撃:敵対度+10~
攻撃→攻撃→友好:変化なし   攻撃→攻撃→機転:変化なし  攻撃→攻撃→攻撃:敵対度+10~
***1章・ガムレン [#i82c4934]

|0|Outside Lothering|Automatically gained when you meet up with Aveline and Wesley (rogues and warriors get +15 if they choose the "aggressive" dialogue option; every other possibility leads to +10).|
|1|Lirene's Fereldan Imports|During the quest Tranquility, tell Lirene that you mean Anders no harm.(+5)|
|1|Lowtown|During the quest Tranquility, allow Bethany to talk to the refugees outside Lirene's shop (+5), or threaten the refugees (-5).|
|1|The Chantry|During the quest Tranquility, when Karl asks Anders to kill him, recommend that he comply (+5), or not (-5).|
|1|Hightown|At the end of the quest Bait and Switch, defend Bethany to Fenris (+5), or agree with Fenris (-5).|
|1|Amell Estate Cellar|Automatically gained during the quest Birthright.(+15)|
|1|Gamlen's House|After completing the quest Birthright, when you talk to Bethany, tell her "This will never be home."(-10)|
|1|Gamlen's House|Gained upon completing the quest Portrait of the Past.(+15)|
|1|Gallows Courtyard|When Fenris starts talking about Tevinter mages, say "It's wrong to oppress mages" (+5) or "The Circle is necessary" (-5).|
|1|Sundermount|During the quest Long Way Home, when Merrill removes the barrier, respond using the good stance (-5) or the aggressive stance (+5).|
|1|The Blooming Rose|During the quest Enemies among Us, ask Bethany for help when confronting Idunna.(+15)|
|1|Gallows Courtyard|At the end of the quest Sanctuary, when you talk to Cullen, agree that mages are trying to destroy the Chantry (-5), or disagree (+5), or say that not all mages are like that (+5).|
|1|Gallows Courtyard|At the end of the quest Sanctuary, when you talk to Cullen, agree that mages should not be treated like normal people.(-10)|
|1|Gallows Courtyard|At the end of the quest Enemies Among Us, tell Cullen that he should keep Keran in the order (+10), or recommend that he not take any chances (-10).|
|1|The Blooming Rose|After talking to Jethann for the quest The First Sacrifice, sleep with him.(-5)|
|1|The Docks|During the quest Loose Ends (Athenril version), let Pryce have the goods(+15)|
|1|Ruined Passage|During the quest Magistrate's Orders, kill Kelder yourself (+5), or take him into custody (-5).|
|1|Petrice's Safehouse|At the start of the quest Shepherding Wolves, accept Petrice's task (+5), or refuse (-5).|
|1|Vimmark Mountain Pass|During the quest Shepherding Wolves, refuse to give up Ketojan.(+10)|
|1|Lowtown|At the start of the quest Wayward Son, tell Arianni "I will stop him."(-10)|
|1|Slaver Caverns|During the quest Wayward Son, tell Feynriel you're helping him because your sister is a mage.(+5)|
|1|Slaver Caverns|During the quest Wayward Son, send Feynriel to the Dalish elves (+10) or to the Circle (-10).|
|1|Runaways' Cavern|During the quest Act of Mercy, force the apostate mages to join the Circle (-5) or agree to lie for them (+10).|
|1|Wounded Coast Approach|At the end of the quest Act of Mercy, if you convinced the mages to return to the Circle, hand them over to Karras (-10) or help them fight (+10).|
|1|Hightown|At the start of the quest The Deep Roads Expedition, agree to take Bethany with you (+15), or leave her home (-10).|
