#author("2022-11-19T11:10:28+09:00","","") #contentsx2 *特徴 [#r78899e6] -1章序盤に仲間になるグレイウォーデンの魔道士。 --主人公と主人公の妹を除けば最速で仲間になる魔道士。 --Awakeningにも登場したおなじみの仲間。 -サークルを毛嫌いしている異端の魔道士。 --Awakeningに比べると性格がかなり変わってしまったが、その理由も聞ける。 -男性・女性どっちの主人公でも恋人候補になる。 **能力・クラス [#vfcd5946] -クラス:魔道士(減衰魔法が使えない) --サブクラス:ヴェンジャンス 主人公を除くと唯一のヒーラー魔道士。~ (一応、ベサニーも1章の間なら、回復役として活躍できるが・・・)~ そのため多くの場合、序盤から最後まで連れ添うことになる。~ ただし、選択肢次第では途中で離脱することもあるので注意。 ***育て方・ビルド [#n715663e] 専門クラスは回復用のパナシアと攻撃用のヴェンジャンスと大きく方向性が違う2つの側面を持つ。~ パーティ構成の関係上、ヒーラー役として育てるのが王道か。~ ~ ヒーラー役として育てる場合、パナシアを展開することになるが、この持続スキルを使ってる間は~ 敵にダメージを与えるスペルはまったく使えなくなってしまう。~ なので、「主のため息」の振りなおしで習得スペルを修正する必要がでてくる。~ 専用クラス・創造魔法・神秘魔法の3系統を覚えておくと良い。~ ~ 当然、攻撃能力はかなり低いものになってしまう。~ ~ パナシアと対になる「ヴェンジェンス」は2章個人クエストクリア後に自動的に習得する。これを考慮しておくと1ポイント節約可能。 *加入条件 [#d1049070] -1章「静寂」クリア後、自動的に仲間になる *離脱条件 [#qef9b791] -第二章「地下へ」で関係を絶つと一時離脱するが、第三章で必ず再登場する。 -第三章「決定打」にて、アンダースを許さない/殺す選択肢をする。 -第三章「決定打」にて、テンプル騎士支持すると離脱する。 --''友好100%&ロマンスクリアでも離脱する。'' --''敵対100%(ロマンス状態は関係無し)&仲間クエスト全クリア''で彼を「説得」するとテンプル騎士側に付けることも可能。 *好感度・恋愛 [#r7876cee] **会話 [#zd5f1e28] ***1章・アンダースの診療所 [#uf6e0b88] -協力的「話ならいつでも聞こう」・機転「よくあることだ」・拒絶「二度とするなよ」→即終了~ -ロマンス「ジャスティスは素晴らしい体を手に入れたな」~ 友好的「アンダースは正しいことをした」・機転「それでも気味の悪い話には違いない」・攻撃的「もっとよく考えるべきだった」~ --友好的から派生:拒絶「まったくだ」→会話終了敵対度+10・ロマンス「いいや」・ロマンス「少し…意外だな」~ 協力的「カールのことは残念だ」・ロマンス「そんなことより、私をどう思う?」・拒絶「そんな話は聞きたくない!」 -友好的「恐ろしい話だ」・機転「怒りを静めた方がいいぞ」・攻撃的「テンプル騎士にも言い分はある」~ ~ -一例~ 「ロマンス」「カールと」「いいや」「そんなことより」「恐ろしい」 友好度+10~ 「正しいことを~」「少し…」「残念だ」「恐ろしい」 友好度+15~ 「よくある」「それでも」「怒り」 敵対度+5~ 「もっとよく」テンプル騎士にも」 敵対度+10~ |章|場所|会話内容|h |1|Hightown|At the end of the quest Bait and Switch, defend Anders to Fenris (+5), or agree with Fenris (-5).| |1|Gallows Courtyard|When Fenris starts talking about Tevinter mages, say "It's wrong to oppress mages" (+5) or "The Circle is necessary" (-5).| |1|Sundermount|During the quest Long Way Home, when Merrill removes the barrier, respond using the good stance (-10) or the aggressive stance (+10).| |1|The Blooming Rose|During the quest Enemies among Us, ask Anders for help when confronting Idunna.(+5)| |1|The Blooming Rose|During the quest Enemies among Us, hand Idunna off to the templars.(-5)| |1|Sanctuary|During the quest Sanctuary, when you talk to Keran, have Anders check him for possession and then tell him that he's free to go (+5), or don't have Anders check for possession and then tell him that you're going to inform the templars (-5).| |1|Gallows Courtyard|At the end of the quest Sanctuary, when you talk to Cullen, agree that mages are trying to destroy the Chantry, or agree that mages cannot be treated like normal people.(-15)| |1|Gallows Courtyard|At the end of the quest Sanctuary, tell Cullen that Keran might be possessed.(-5)| |1|The Docks|During the quest Loose Ends (Meeran version), kill Harimann after learning the truth (-5) or let him go (+5).| |1|Darktown|During the quest Talk to Anders, select the good responses except for "It's... unexpected" (+15 if male, +10 if female), select good and romance options (+10 if male, +5 if female), select wry options (-5), or select aggressive options (-10).| |1|Petrice's Safehouse|At the start of the quest Shepherding Wolves, accept Petrice's task (+10), or refuse (-15).| |1|Vimmark Mountain Pass|During the quest Shepherding Wolves, refuse to give up Ketojan (+10), or give him up (-10).| |1|Lowtown|At the start of the quest Wayward Son, tell Arianni "I will stop him."(-5)| |1|Slaver Caverns|During the quest Wayward Son, send Feynriel to the Dalish elves (+10) or to the Circle (-15).| |1|Lowtown|At the end of the quest Wayward Son, receive your reward from Arianni after sending Feynriel to the Circle.(-5)| |1|Gallows Courtyard|At the end of the quest An Errant Letter, keep Thrask's secret (+5), or blackmail him (-5).| |1|Wounded Coast Approach|At the start of the quest Act of Mercy, tell Thrask that you'll help him (+5), or that he should do his task himself (-5).| |1|Runaways' Cavern|During the quest Act of Mercy, tell Alain to turn himself in.(-5)| |1|Runaways' Cavern|During the quest Act of Mercy, force the apostate mages to join the Circle (-10) or agree to work with them (+5).| |1|Wounded Coast Approach|At the end of the quest Act of Mercy, if you convinced the mages to return to the Circle, hand them over to Karras (-15) or help them fight (+15).| |1|Wounded Coast Approach|At the end of the quest Act of Mercy, if you decided to work with the mages, use Varric to convince Karras to leave, or convince Karras yourself.(+5)| |1|Ancient Crypt|During the quest The Deep Roads Expedition, refuse the rock wraith abomination's deal (+10), or accept it (-15).| |1|Ancient Crypt|At the end of the quest The Deep Roads Expedition, take Carver to the Grey Wardens.(+5)| |2|Underground Passage|During the quest Repentance, in your second response to Allure, say "Die fiend!" or "I wouldn't betray my friends" (+5), or say "I do like power" (-5).| |2|Darktown|For completing the quest Tevinter Chantry Amulet.(+15)| |2|Lowtown|At the start of the quest Night Terrors, when Marethari mentions killing Feynriel, say "I understand" (-5) or "I can't do that" (+5).| |2|Templar Hall|During the quest Night Terrors, kill Torpor (+10) or make a deal with Torpor (-15).| |2|Lowtown|At the end of the quest Night Terrors, when Anders reveals that you made a deal with Torpor, admit it (+5) or tell Anders to shut up (-15).| |2|Darktown|During the quest Anders in the Fade, say "It was a ruse" (+20), or say anything else (-15).| |2|Darktown|At the start of the quest Dissent, agree to help Anders (+5), or refuse (-15).| |2|Gallows Dungeon|During the quest Dissent, prevent Anders/Justice from killing Ella (bonus depends on whether you're friends or rivals with Anders).| |2|Darktown|At the end of the quest Dissent, dismiss Anders as a companion (-35), or say aggressive and mean things to him (up to -30), or say nice and forgiving things to him (up to +30).| |2|The Chantry|After completing the quest Dissent, show Alrik's Papers to Grand Cleric Elthina.(+5)| |2|The Chantry|During the quest Questioning Beliefs (Anders), kiss Anders (+25), talk to Anders as a friend (up to +20), or talk to Anders as a rival (up to -15).| |2|Varterral Hunting Ground|At the end of the quest Mirror Image, immediately give the arulin'holm to Merrill (-10), or refuse at least once (+10).| |2|Ser Varnell's Refuge|During the quest Offered and Lost, when you meet Ser Varnell, say "Varnell and the others die."(+5)| |2|Hightown|After completing the quest Following the Qun by siding with Mother Petrice, ask Petrice "Can I count on your support?" (-5), or tell her "Just stay away from me" (+5).| |3|The Chantry|At the start of the quest Faith, say "I won't stop the Divine."(-10)| |3|Viscount's Keep|During the quest Faith, tell Leliana "It really isn't that bad" (+10) or "It's time for holy war" (-10).| |3|The Hanged Man|During the quest Alone, say "Take him" followed by "Not a chance."(+5)| |3|The Hanged Man|At the end of the quest Alone, say "It's not my place" or "You deserve to die."(-5)| |3|Darktown|At the end of the quest Check on Anders, say "Maybe it's for the best" (+10) or "Mages are dangerous" (-10).| |3|Darktown|At the start of the quest Justice, tell Anders "You're right" (-5) or "You're wrong" (+5).| |3|Darktown|At the start of the quest Justice, tell Anders "Let's do it."(+5)| |3|Darktown|At the start of the quest Justice, tell Anders "Sounds easy enough" (+5) or ask "Is that...all?" (-5).| |3|Darktown|During the quest Justice, agree to distract Grand Cleric Elthina (+15), or refuse as a friend (-30), or refuse as a rival (-15).| |3|Darktown|For completing the quest Justice.(+10)| |3|The Hanged Man|During the quest On the Loose, let Emile escape (+10), turn Emile over to the Circle after he's slept with Nella (-5), or turn Emile over right away (-10).| |3|Templar Hall|At the end of the quest On the Loose, say "Maybe Aaders is right" (+10) or "Anders, be quiet" (-10).| |3|Bartrand's Estate|At the end of the quest Haunted, keep the shard from Varric (+5), or give it to varric (-5).| |3|Pride's End|During the quest A New Path, when talking to Merrill after defeating Keeper Marethari, say "She was stupid."(-5)| |3|Templar Hall|At the start of the quest Best Served Cold (Orsino version), tell Orsino "Let's resolve this quietly" (+10), or say "I'll stop them" (-10).| |3|The Wounded Coast|During the quest Best Served Cold, when you meet Samson, say "I want to help the mages" (+10) or "The mages must be stopped" (-10).| |3|Templar Hall|At the end of the quest Best Served Cold, tell Meredith "I'll name names" (-5) or "You must let this go" (+5).| |3|Templar Hall|At the end of the quest Best Served Cold, tell Orsino "Meredith was not involved" (-5) or "She must be overthrown" (+5).| *その他 [#h616ebdf] 男主人公の場合アンダースと恋愛関係にあると、仲間になるときに登場したカールが彼の初めての恋人だったことが聞ける。 //--以下、なるべく消さない---- #keywords(DA,Dragon,Age,DA2,ドラゴンエイジ,攻略,まとめ,日本語,RPG,wiki,コンパニオン) #dump2html