• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*目次 [#le0433e7]

*はるか遠くに [#rd9e9065]
-Far Afield, aid a farmer and her family.
**発生条件 [#b1ded435]

**攻略ポイント [#p396f25f]

**備考 [#ed56ab4b]

*忠誠の誓い [#ae246a83]
-Oaths of Fealty, attend the ceremonial swearing of the oaths of fealty.
**発生条件 [#y416d44a]

**攻略ポイント [#z98356f7]

**備考 [#mb961f19]

*身代金を要求された娘 [#v8a92cf3]
-A Daughter Ransomed, retrieve the ransomed daughter.
**発生条件 [#qde67e68]

**攻略ポイント [#v084717d]

**備考 [#r0f1d850]

*必要な成分 [#c0ea5c17]
-A Master's Work, find unique materials so Wade can craft some extraordinary items.
**発生条件 [#l5aff974]

**攻略ポイント [#y6fba263]

**備考 [#z1c5db76]

*仕事にかかるコスト [#y6d3518b]
-Cost of Doing Business, help Voldrik hire men to reinforce the walls of Vigil's Keep.

**発生条件 [#l92802f1]
**攻略ポイント [#cfef679a]

**備考 [#uec9fb2b]

*それは地下からやってきた [#b37fcf2e]
-It Comes From Beneath, eradicate the darkspawn beneath Vigil's Keep.

**発生条件 [#d0002621]

**攻略ポイント [#j1cddde9]
--生存術が3以上なら、なだめることが可能 @@「アドリアの窮地」が発生@@

**備考 [#uf21a91e]

*アドリアの窮地 [#d60cdc4c]
-Adria's Plight, search for Adria.
**発生条件 [#f3f99528]

**攻略ポイント [#b4bb1edb]
*備考 [#l572f6b9]
--Defending the Land, decide how best to defend the Arling.
--Oaths of Fealty, attend the ceremonial swearing of the oaths of fealty.
--Adria's Plight, search for Adria.
--Far Afield, aid a farmer and her family.
--A Daughter Ransomed, retrieve the ransomed daughter.
--Bensley's Gratitude, accept Bensley's gratitude.
--A Brewing Conspiracy, investigate a brewing conspiracy.
--It Comes From Beneath, eradicate the darkspawn beneath Vigil's Keep.
--Cost of Doing Business, help Voldrik hire men to reinforce the walls of Vigil's Keep.
--A Master's Work, find unique materials so Wade can craft some extraordinary items.
--Heart of the Forest, find four items for Wade so he can craft a shield or a bow.
--Golem's Might, help Wade forge a suit of armor.
--The Wraith's Vengeance, defeat the wraith haunting the Deep Roads.
--Worked to the Bone, help Wade forge the Vigilance
--Trade Must Flow, attract new merchants to trade at Vigil's Keep.
--Elemental Requirements, help Herren upgrade the soldier's equipments.
--What is Built Endures, repair the walls of Vigil's Keep.
--The Peasant Revolution, quell the peasant revolution.
--Salvage Operation, salvage the wreck for goods.
--A Day In Court, spend a day in court as ruler of Vigil's Keep.
--Bombs Away!, have Dworkin make some fire grenades.
--The Shrine of Korth, make an offering to the Shrine of Korth.
--And You, Esmerelle?, deal with the treasonous Esmerelle.
