
*目次 [#vf02454b]

*コンテンツ1 [#v9ac1dfa]
--Smuggler's Run, help the Smuggler's conduct their business.
--Law and Order, investigate the smuggling trade in Amaranthine.
--The Blight Orphans?, make a small donation to the orphans of the Blight.
--The Blight Orphans (Again), aid the Blight orphans with some questionable requests.
--Moonshine for the Children, help the Blight orphans with the moonshine trade.
--The Sermons of Justinia II, retrieve the Sermons of Justinia II for the Blight orphans.
--Those Sweet Orphans, deliver a bunch of herbs on behalf of the Blight orphans.
--The Scavenger Hunt, help the Blight orphans find items they lost while playing on the streets.
--A Present for Melisse, scare Melisse with a scarecrow.
--Making Amends, gather flowers for Melisse to ask for forgiveness.
--Preying on the Weak, deal with the gang of thugs preying on the weak.
--A Donation of Injury Kits, find some injury kits for the Chantry.
--A Donation of Poultices, find some poultices for the Chantry.
--Till Death Do Us Part, help Alma find her husband.
--Out of Control, deal with the maleficars in Amaranthine.
--Rumblings From Beneath, look into the ominous rumblings beneath the city.
--Keep Out of Reach of Children, help the merchant guild keep poison out of children's reach.
